Wheat flour

Introducing our delightful range of wheat flour bursting with flavor and nutrition, our flour varieties promise to elevate your culinary creations to new heights. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a kitchen novice, there’s something for everyone in our collection. Each type of flour is carefully crafted to ensure the highest quality and taste, perfect for baking bread, cakes, pastries, and more. Explore the rich, nutty flavors and the robust texture of our flours, and experience the difference in every bite.

Discover the Health Benefits of Wheat Flour

High in Nutrients and Fiber: Our  flour is packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins (like B vitamins), minerals (such as iron and magnesium), and dietary fiber. These nutrients are crucial for maintaining energy levels, supporting metabolic processes, and ensuring overall well-being.

Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease: Regular consumption of whole grains, such as wheat, is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. The fiber, antioxidants, and plant compounds in wheat help improve cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure, contributing to a healthier heart.

Lower Your Risk of Stroke: Diets rich in whole grains, including wheat, have been linked to a lower risk of stroke. The high fiber content helps maintain healthy blood pressure and prevents the buildup of plaque in arteries, reducing the likelihood of stroke.

Reduce Your Risk of Obesity: Whole wheat flour is more filling than refined flour due to its higher fiber content. This can help control appetite and reduce overall calorie intake, aiding in weight management and reducing the risk of obesity.

Lower Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Consuming whole grains like wheat flour can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels. The fiber content slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Support Healthy Digestion: The fiber in wheat flour aids in digestion by adding bulk to the stool and promoting regular bowel movements. This helps prevent constipation and supports a healthy digestive system.




Sedimentation Value:


Wet Gluten:


Dry Gluten:




Acid Insoluble Ash:


Falling No:

351 Sec

Water Absorption:


Alcoholic Acidity:

0 . 0 7 %

Starch Damage:


Granularity (throughs of 150 micron):



Chapati/Roti Test. Puffing observed, Softness normal, creamish brown in colour, taste and odor natural.

Export Capabilities

Minimum Order Quantity:

Flexible, accommodating both retail and bulk orders


Robust logistics for efficient global delivery

Custom Orders:

We offer customized packaging and processing as per buyer requirements

Core Values

Why Choose Our Wheat Flour?

Wide Variety

A range of Wheat flour types to cater to diverse dietary needs and preferences.

Superior Quality

Sourced and processed with a focus on quality and natural cultivation.

Health Benefits

Offering a nutritious alternative to traditional grains.